Influencing diet and lifestyle changes in a high risk cohort diagnosed with benign colorectal neoplasia — ASN Events

Influencing diet and lifestyle changes in a high risk cohort diagnosed with benign colorectal neoplasia (#72)

Karen Saxty 1 , Kathryn Jackson 2 , Carlene Wilson 3 , Graeme Young 4
  1. Department of Gastroenterology, Flinders University of SA, Adelaide, SA, Australia
  2. Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Flinders University of SA, Adelaide, SA, Australia
  3. Flinders Centre for Innovation in Cancer, , Flinders University and Cancer Council of SA, Adelaide, SA, Australia
  4. Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor , Professor of Global GI Health, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA, Australia

Individuals diagnosed with benign colorectal neoplasia (BCN) are at higher than normal risk of developing further polyps or colorectal cancer (CRC)1. Multiple modifiable diet and lifestyle (D&L) behaviours are associated with CRC risk reduction2. Health promotion interventions can influence these behaviours3. A paucity of evidence exists addressing successful Australian health promotion D&L studies among cohorts diagnosed with BCN. This study investigated the efficacy of two D&L interventions. Ninety six participants were randomly allocated to three groups; Information only (IO), Information only + single Motivational Interview with tailored feedback (MI), and Control (usual care) (C). Sixty two participants completed the 6-month study with attrition evenly distributed across the 3 groups. An action research mixed-methods design was used to determine D&L changes pre- and post-intervention. A validated questionnaire determining key predictors of behaviour change was administered to participants at baseline and 6-month endpoint. In addition dietary intakes were measured at the same time points using 4-day self-reported food intake diaries. While qualitative self-reports suggest improvement in dietary behaviours (78% improvement, p<0.05) for the MI group (p=0.026) after 6-months compared to the IO and C groups, quantitative statistical analysis did not produce similar findings. Total fat and saturated fat intakes were significantly lower (p<0.05) at endpoint for IO (total fat: baseline 78.0 ± 44.9; endpoint 60.9 ± 28.7g/d-1, p<0.001; saturated fat 30.0 ± 18.8; 23.4 ± 11.9, p=0.001) and MI (total fat: baseline 82.4 ± 40.0; endpoint 64.8 ± 29.3,p<0.001; saturated fat 31.1 ± 18.2; 27.1 ± 15.9, p=0.042) compared with C.  Although within group improvements for self-reported smoking behaviour and alcohol frequency were statistically significant (p<0.05) over the study duration for all groups, inter-group comparisons showed no significant differences. These results suggest there were no differences in the efficacy of IO and a single MI health promotion tool among a cohort diagnosed with BCN.

  1. ISMAIL, A. & LANCE, P. 2004. Colorectal Adenomas. In: JOHNSON, L. R. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Gastroenterology, Volume 3. New York: Elsevier.
  2. ROZEN, P., SPANN, S. J. & YOUNG, G. 2006. What are the Risk Factors Associated with Colorectal Cancer? An Overview. In: ROZEN, P., YOUNG, G., LEVIN, B. & SPANN, S. J. (eds.) Colorectal Cancer In Clinical Practice. Second ed. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis Group.
  3. BAADE, P. D., MENG, X., SINCLAIR, C. & YOUL, P. 2012. Estimating The Future Burden of Cancers Preventable by Better Diet and Physical Activity in Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, Vol. 196, pp 337-340.