Poster Presentation — ASN Events
12:50PM - 1:15PM
Ballroom 3

Recruitment of cancer survivors and carers to a face-to-face lifestyle intervention: balancing methodological considerations and logistical challenges (#35)

12:50 PM
Gabrielle Asprey

Developing and Evaluating an Online Self-Help Program for Cancer Distress: A Randomised Pilot Trial (#36)

12:50 PM
Lisa Beatty

What do patients really mean when they complain of fatigue after treatment? – development of a semi-structured clinical interview to reliably identify post cancer fatigue (#37)

12:50 PM
Barbara K Bennett

Melanoma shared care, a tripartite approach for survival. The patient, their GP and their specialist - A survivorship project. (#38)

12:50 PM
Colleen Berryman

An exploration of the support care needs of men who have undergone prostate cancer treatment and their partner (#39)

12:50 PM
Amanda Bobridge

Living Well: Delivering Survivorship Hospital Programmes (#40)

12:50 PM
Kim Brauer

A systematic review of factors which breast cancer patients associate with their diagnosis (#41)

12:50 PM
Jo Anne Dumalaon Canaria

A Supportive Care Service for Oncology Patients and their Carers at Northern Health. A. Cavini. The Northern Hospital, Epping, Melbourne, Victoria. Australia (#42)

12:50 PM
Adrienne Cavini

Physical activity levels and barriers and facilitators towards exercise for Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant  (HSCT) survivors (#43)

12:50 PM
Tina Cheng

Lower levels of depression, anxiety, distress, fatigue and symptoms are associated with higher levels of physical activity in non-small cell lung cancer (#44)

12:50 PM
Linda Denehy

Surviving cancer: the psycho-social impact on the family (#45)

12:50 PM
Jaklin A. Eliott

Analysing the blog narratives of a cohort of breast cancer survivors provides a new framework for a richer understanding of the lived experience of cancer survivorship (#46)

12:50 PM
Marie F. Ennis

The development and implementation of survivorship care plans across the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. (#47)

12:50 PM
Priscilla Gates

Development of a nurse-led survivorship intervention for long term survivors of Hodgkin lymphoma. (#48)

12:50 PM
Priscilla Gates

Return to driving after a diagnosis of brain tumour (#49)

12:50 PM
Stacey George

Primary care in survivorship: an exploration of the relationship between young people diagnosed with cancer and general practitioners (#50)

12:50 PM
Lucy Holland

Implementing a self-management oriented survivorship intervention (#51)

12:50 PM
Paula Howell

Perceptions on the role of physical activity in maintaining quality of life in men with prostate cancer: influence of androgen deprivation therapy. (#52)

12:50 PM
Justin W.L. Keogh

Two models of group based education for cancer survivors (#53)

12:50 PM
Nicole Kinnane

Resilience: What Influences Treatment Outcomes for Patients Treated with Early Stage Cancer? (#54)

12:50 PM
Kelvin Leung

The challenges of developing a nurse led survivorship model of care – Initiating a service within a regional and a rural domain. (#55)

12:50 PM
Donna Lever

Promoting physical activity to breast cancer survivors - what may work? (#56)

12:50 PM
Catherine R Mackenzie

Engaging with Survivors – A Regional Participation Strategy (#57)

12:50 PM
Michelle McKimmie

Addressing the needs of survivors with lymphoedema - a transferrable model for providing lymphoedema services in a regional context (#58)

12:50 PM
Michelle McKimmie

Development of a Survivorship Project – ‘Positive Change for Life’ (#59)

12:50 PM
Helen McLauchlan

Utilising life changing experiences of cancer survivors and care-givers to deliver community based psychosocial program (#60)

12:50 PM
Annie Miller

When treatment finishes – Opportunities for a multidisciplinary approach to service and support delivery for cancer survivors (#61)

12:50 PM
Annie Miller

Cancer Survivorship: Employment and Return to Work – An Australian report (#62)

12:50 PM
Annie Miller

The patient experience of melanoma follow-up: An online survey (#63)

12:50 PM
Janine Mitchell

An exercise physiologist derived exercise intervention for women with recurrent ovarian cancer (#64)

12:50 PM
David Mizrahi

Patients' perspective of dysphagia in the survivorship phase of head and neck cancer (#65)

12:50 PM
Rebecca L Nund

“Building yourself to better cope”: a qualitative case study of a cycling team led by cancer survivors (#66)

12:50 PM
Clare Oakes

Fatigue, Physical Activity, and Autonomic Nervous System Function in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Pilot Study (#67)

12:50 PM
Alicia B Olsen

Improving survivorship outcomes in adolescents and young adults with cancer: the development of a national survivorship care process (#68)

12:50 PM
Michael Osborn

Living with, through and beyond cancer: Giving survivors the skills, support and confidence to take control of their lives (#69)

12:50 PM
Anna S Petterson

Development of a self-management psychosocial intervention for men with prostate cancer and their partners: lessons learnt from the ‘real world’ (#70)

12:50 PM
Gillian Prue

A randomised controlled trial of an optimized multidisciplinary intervention for post-cancer fatigue – TOPS Trial. (#71)

12:50 PM
Carolina Sandler

Influencing diet and lifestyle changes in a high risk cohort diagnosed with benign colorectal neoplasia (#72)

12:50 PM
Karen Saxty

Moving on from Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplants? (#73)

12:50 PM
Emily C Schneider

Implementing a survivorship service for patients with head and neck cancers. Are some cancer survivors more forgotten than others? (#74)

12:50 PM
Kate Schofield

Returning to work after treatment: An important survivorship issue. (#75)

12:50 PM
Maryanne Skarparis

Survivorship research in Haematology: Findings from Queensland. (#76)

12:50 PM
Maryanne Skarparis

How good is the guidance for cutaneous melanoma follow- up? A systematic review of clinical practice guidelines (#77)

12:50 PM
Jackie Street

Survivorship connections: the development of a model of survivorship care for young people diagnosed with cancer (#78)

12:50 PM
Kate Thompson

Through their eyes: understanding the survivorship needs and experience of young people with cancer (#79)

12:50 PM
Samantha Van Staalduinen

Early experience of implementation of a triage model for survivorship care at the NSW Cancer Survivors Centre (#80)

12:50 PM
Kate Webber

The ovary and cancer treatment -– the future of fertility preservation (#81)

12:50 PM
Fiona Young

Molecular and Biochemical Evaluation of Anti-Proliferative Effect of (Cichorium endivia, L.) Phenolic Extracts on cancer cell line HCT-116 (#82)

12:50 PM
Ali Alshehri