Cancer Survivorship - A clinical perspective — ASN Events

Cancer Survivorship - A clinical perspective (#2)

Michael Jefford 1
  1. Department of Cancer Experiences Research, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Increasing cancer incidence together with improved survival rates are contributing to the growing number of cancer survivors. Survivors may encounter a range of potential effects as a result of the cancer and its treatment. Traditionally, follow up has been undertaken by oncology specialists, generally medical staff. The major focus has been on detection of cancer recurrence; however the efficacy of such strategies is questionable. Current follow up frequently fails to identify or adequately address many survivors' concerns. After care needs to be planned to enable better outcomes for survivors, whilst using scarce health care resources efficiently.

A number of principles have been established to facilitate improved care for those living with and beyond cancer. These include the use of risk stratified pathways of care, treatment summaries and care plans, information and education to enable self management, rapid re-access to specialist care, remote monitoring and effective care coordination.This presentation will consider the above issues and discuss a number of examples of redesigned models of care.